Today I was informed that dropping AP biology was very possible, I've thought about it, and decided I think it's probably for the best that I join Amy to say "BAI MR.CULP!" as I once considered biology as a major this is kind of a shock to myself, but I believe that it's for the best, and I'll just need to reconsider my options for my future.
As of right now I have no idea what to major in, I've considered culinary arts, business, psychology, teaching, television. I decided to major in culinary arts when I was in 9th grade, but quickly changed my mind to television when I began working with cameras. I then learned that television makes about 20 thousand a year, not nearly enough money for me unfortunately. Then I became interesting working with children, and the idea of teaching became a possibility. I really do think that I would be a decent teacher, and I'd enjoy myself working with children everyday, however like television the pay just isn't what I'd want. I've never seen myself as a business man until very recently, this probably has something to do with the introduction of the office. This leaves only psychology which I've found myself enjoying the idea of this one. I love helping people, and becoming a therapist would be very interesting I think, also I've always found mental processing and the study of behavior interesting.
As of right now I have no idea what to major in, I've considered culinary arts, business, psychology, teaching, television. I decided to major in culinary arts when I was in 9th grade, but quickly changed my mind to television when I began working with cameras. I then learned that television makes about 20 thousand a year, not nearly enough money for me unfortunately. Then I became interesting working with children, and the idea of teaching became a possibility. I really do think that I would be a decent teacher, and I'd enjoy myself working with children everyday, however like television the pay just isn't what I'd want. I've never seen myself as a business man until very recently, this probably has something to do with the introduction of the office. This leaves only psychology which I've found myself enjoying the idea of this one. I love helping people, and becoming a therapist would be very interesting I think, also I've always found mental processing and the study of behavior interesting.
i like sea wolf.
i like blogspot.
i like you.
i like mr. culp.
DUDE. I've heard that somewhere before...haha
Bryce The COOK!
Master Chef Bryce!
Rolls right off the tung!
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