This weekend has been so awesome. Friday night I went forth with Amy to Bentonville, where I played Zombie with Shawn and Company. I also did a back flip (kinda sorta), and felt very sore after all the running and screaming (well worth it).
Saturday I went to josh's where we Carved some mighty fine pumpkins. Olivia took many pictures, she did a fine job. I then left for my cousins wedding, which was in this really nice barn they apparently use for weddings alot. It was very strange seeing my cousin I've known and spent Christmas with all my life up there. I thought that my Saturday night was going to be spent at home, but my friends had other ideas, and we traveled to Eureka Screams for a haunted house. It was fun.
Today I woke myself up at 7:45 got dressed and went to church. Now I'm just in school mode, I need to finish school work, and such.
Last week I was sick and stayed home twice, and it really screwed me up. Now because of that I started this 9 weeks with low grades. I now need to reorganize myself and get back to work. I also need to post more on this, I apologize It's just been some crazy times.